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Christopher Walsh

Christopher Walsh

Yor Design Comany

Buffalo, NY

About Yor Yor as a brand, defines our work as being unique. We are a collection of crafts people tha...

Katie DeVos

Katie DeVos

Cee & Bee Creative Co

Hobart, WI

At Cee & Bee Creative Co we take things that are awesome and make them more awesome! We create, build...

Michael Demay

Michael Demay

Michael Demay Company

Nashville, TN

For the past 20 years Michael DeMay has been a contractor doing high end renovations, new homes and c...

Kathleen Dugan

Kathleen Dugan

Artist Kathi Dugan, Portraits and Illustrations

North Carver, MA

Artist Kathi Dugan began her art career as a Decorative Finish/Mural company, "Wonders On Walls", spe...