Coffee Table

Coffee Table


This table was inspired by the work of Charles P. Limbert, in particular a hall table he produced in 1910. When I came across the picture for the first time I fell in love instantly, and I knew I would soon make something with a similar feel. I think it turned out very well. The table top is a perfect ellipse, not typical for Arts and Crafts furniture. And yet it maintains the balance, harmony, simplicity, and confidence of the Craftsman tradition. It's a perfect choice for anyone who likes the Arts and Crafts aesthetic but has grown a little bored of the squarishness of the style.

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Mark Love

Mark Love

Mark Love Furniture

Wimberley, TX
Member since: 2008
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A one-man studio designing and building custom handmade solid wood furniture. With nearly two decades of experience crafting all manner of hand made furniture and cabinets, I am especially experienced at designing and crafting custom furniture for the home, such as the dining room table, dining room chair, king bed and queen bed, morris chair, side table and end table, coffee table, buffet, sideboard, credenza, dresser, chest of drawers, blanket chest, rocking chair, writing desk, and office chair. While I have a design style all my own, my influences are from the Arts and Crafts, Shaker, and Asian aesthetics.

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