Magnolia Higgins Table

Magnolia Higgins Table


the Higgins table design has a design copyright on it from the U.S. patent office. It is unique and engineered for strenght and beauty. Will fit in any room and when you have several can be made into floor sculpture by placing them next to each other to form other shapes.

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Francine Difilippo

Francine Difilippo

Difilippo Kent

Sarasota, FL
Member since: 2010
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We make solid wood furniture (no veneers), from "old growth", recovered and found wood. These include tables, benches, pedestals, and art pieces.
Clear Cypress, Pecky Cypress, Wild Cherry, Hackberry, Magnolia, Curly Heart Pine, Heart Pine, Swamp Maple, etc.
We have a design copyright from the U.S. government for our Higgins Table/Bench.

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