Theme Park Designs, Characters 1
Theme Park Designs, Characters 2
Theme Park Designs, Characters 3
Theme Park Designs, Characters 4
Theme Park Designs, Characters 5

Theme Park Designs, Characters


Here are some examples of theme park and charcter design. These can be made in bronze, wood or foam resin.

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Kris Connors

Kris Connors

Custom Sculpture and Carved Signs

Nickelsville, VA
Member since: 2012
  • Long-time member

    A Maker who has been a valued part of this community for several years.

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    This Maker has consistently demonstrated excellence in craftsmanship and customer service.

Custom Wood Carvings & More is a full service sculpture business. We work with each customer to create custom wildlife, figurative, abstract and ornamental sculpture made in wood, bronze, clay, foam, concrete and resin,

We do a lot of onsite chainsaw carvings on tree stumps near the southwest corner of Virginia. We are willing to travel for this service as well.

Our sign business specializes in crafting custom 3D carved signs made in wood, PVC board and high density urethane foam.

Let us know the details of your project and we'll be in touch!

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