Blue And Yellow Buttons Wedding Toss Bouquet 1
Blue And Yellow Buttons Wedding Toss Bouquet 2
Blue And Yellow Buttons Wedding Toss Bouquet 3
Blue And Yellow Buttons Wedding Toss Bouquet 4

Blue And Yellow Buttons Wedding Toss Bouquet


Cheerful-themed weddings have bright colors as motifs. In this handmade button bouquet, I used the upbeat and contrasting cool and warm colors of blue and yellow. This 15-stem arrangement also has blue and yellow cascading ribbons for its handle. This also comes in larger sizes, which are available upon request. Contact me for international shipping fees or questions you may have.

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Angela DiCicco

Angela DiCicco

Angela's Artistic Bouquets

Rockville, MD
Member since: 2012
1 Maker Review
  • Long-time member

    A Maker who has been a valued part of this community for several years.

  • Fast shipper

    Customers say that this Maker ships promptly after completing a project.

  • Great service

    This Maker has consistently demonstrated excellence in craftsmanship and customer service.

Brooch bouquets, Button Bridal Bouquets and alternative bouquets for the bride who wants a lasting keepsake!

My Work:

I create stunning bespoke bridal bouquets from brooches, buttons, silk flowers, shabby chic flowers and other materials.

I hand make my ribbon rose flowers, burlap flowers and lace flowers to create alternative bouquets for the modern non- traditional bride.

Each bouquet is custom made according to your specifications. I work with every budget so you never have to worry about that!

My Business:

I have been in business several years and have sold all over the world!. I have been featured in 2 international magazines and have been a guest on many wedding blog posts.

My bouquets have been featured on
WEtv's David Tutera Unveiled!


My bouquets have received First Place several awards at the Montgomery County Fair.

Start a new tradition with button bouquets - elegance that lasts forever!

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