Keep your cash and cards secure in this unique money clip. This money clip features a truly unisex design and will be loved by men and women who want to reduce the bulk of carrying around a wallet. Slide it in your back pocket or slip it inside a small clutch purse for those occasions when simplicity is essential. This money clip is made with a nickel base and a sterling silver design. The nickel base has a silver colour, similar to sterling silver or stainless steel. Nickel is a strong metal that will retain it's memory and 'spring', keeping the tension tight so your cash will always be secured no matter how many notes are stored in the clip. The nickel will not tarnish either. This one of a kind money clip features sheet of etched sterling silver that has been soldered to the nickel base. The unique design is a drawing that I have done, then transferred onto metal, etched and then oxidised to create a dramatic aesthetic. This money clip measures 1" (25mm) x 2" (50mm) *Unfortunately, the cash used in the image is NOT included in the listing ;)
A Maker who has been a valued part of this community for several years.
Customers say that this Maker ships promptly after completing a project.
This Maker has consistently demonstrated excellence in craftsmanship and customer service.
Leander is an Australian artist, metalsmith and maker who has been using her hands and mind creatively throughout her life. Now based in Tucson, Arizona – where the desert warms her heart and ignites her creative fire - Leander is passionately pursuing her career as a professional bench jeweler, designer and small business owner. She specializes in one of a kind pieces and has a strong commitment to use ethical, sustainable materials in her craft. For Leander, inspiration is found in the complexity of the natural environment, biological forms, rhythms and symbolic patterns – both physical and philosophical. Often referred to as a 'natural born colorist', Leander instinctively employs bold colors and compositions in her unique work.
Leander is committed to building a sustainable, environmentally ethical jewelry practice by using 100% Recycled metals. The metals she uses are refined from material that has already been extracted from the earth, such as jeweler's scraps and what would other wise be industry waste. This means that landscapes aren't destroyed, that the people living on mineral-rich lands aren't displaced and that eco-systems aren't polluted by the dirty processes of mineral mining in order to make her art.
Audrey T
For Logo Cufflinks - Wedding Monogram Cufflinks - Any Image Or Text AvailableI had a good experience working with Leander, the designer. She was efficient and professional. My order was well-packaged and also came in a gift box. Very pleased with it. Thank you!
Kim Werner
For Kim Werner's cufflinkWorking with Leander on this project was great. Being based so far away and having to do everything online was a little daunting but she explained the various design options to me with pictures and the process was really smooth. I am so happy with the final product and would definitely work with her again!
Micharel J. Panetta
For White Gold Neda Symbol Belly RingI must admit I was skeptical at first. After searching high and low I was unable to find a NEDA piece of jewelry for my daughter. So it left me no choice but to find a custom jewelry maker.
I went on-line and found "Custom Made". Within minutes I was contacted by several custom jewelry makers. Leander D'Ambrosia had experience in making custom NEDA pieces, so I selected her.
I peppered her with at least a dozen questions as I sought to design a necklace and pendant that would be just right. She always answered within hours and provided both examples and suggestions that made my custom piece a reality.
On top of everything else I had a "short window" to have the piece delivered before my daughter's visit. From start to finish the project was completed and delivered to my front door within a couple weeks.
My daughter will be visiting with me in 2 days and the custom jewelry you made will overwhelm her, no doubt. It is beautiful, unique and special. I could not be more satisfied. Thank-you Leander!
Cyril Dagher
For Cyril's NecklaceLeander did an amazing job. It is exactly what I wanted after we discussed my ideas. My fiancé is going to love it so much. And Leander was able to get it to me in a timely manner before my fiancé's birthday. Next time I want a custom handmade necklace, I know who I am turning to!
Alex Roederer
For Alex's necklaceA guide to the best items from the best makers and the stories behind them.