Keep your cash and cards secure in this unique money clip. This money clip features a truly unisex design and will be loved by men and women who want to reduce the bulk of carrying around a wallet. Slide it in your back pocket or slip it inside a small clutch purse for those occasions when simplicity is essential. This money clip is made with a nickel base and a sterling silver design. The nickel base has a silver colour, similar to sterling silver or stainless steel. Nickel is a strong metal that will retain it's memory and 'spring', keeping the tension tight so your cash will always be secured no matter how many notes are stored in the clip. The nickel will not tarnish either. This one of a kind money clip features a granulation design (silver balls) in various different sizes, bordered by two rounded strips of silver. The recessed elements have been oxidised black to create a stunning contrast between the highly polished silver. This money clip measures 1" (25mm) x 2" (50mm) *Unfortunately, the cash used in the image is NOT included in the listing ;)
A Maker who has been a valued part of this community for several years.
Customers say that this Maker ships promptly after completing a project.
This Maker has consistently demonstrated excellence in craftsmanship and customer service.
Leander is an Australian artist, metalsmith and maker who has been using her hands and mind creatively throughout her life. Now based in Tucson, Arizona – where the desert warms her heart and ignites her creative fire - Leander is passionately pursuing her career as a professional bench jeweler, designer and small business owner. She specializes in one of a kind pieces and has a strong commitment to use ethical, sustainable materials in her craft. For Leander, inspiration is found in the complexity of the natural environment, biological forms, rhythms and symbolic patterns – both physical and philosophical. Often referred to as a 'natural born colorist', Leander instinctively employs bold colors and compositions in her unique work.
Leander is committed to building a sustainable, environmentally ethical jewelry practice by using 100% Recycled metals. The metals she uses are refined from material that has already been extracted from the earth, such as jeweler's scraps and what would other wise be industry waste. This means that landscapes aren't destroyed, that the people living on mineral-rich lands aren't displaced and that eco-systems aren't polluted by the dirty processes of mineral mining in order to make her art.
Ashley Groves
For CufflinksI had an incredible experience with Leander. Absolutely beautiful and so timely! I'm thrilled!
Erika Elkington
For CufflinksGreat experience, the end product was even better then I expected. Great communication, accommodating of my short time period. Everything was great. Would definitely come back. Amazing product. Thank you!
Ben Sugerman
For 3-stone bezel necklaceLeander worked very carefully with me to make what I asked for, and when it arrived, it turned out that my design had some flaws. She immediately took the necklace back and remade it in a way that made more sense to her. My only complaint is that she wasn't able to give me the exact setting I had asked for, and I had misunderstood what she was giving me instead. That was my fault, not hers.
Rick Cooper
For Your Logo As A Charm On An Adjustable Wire BangleThe bracelets are very high quality and absolutely beautiful. A great gift that will provide many happy memories.
Andrea Rodriguez
For Robot Heart PendantsI am very happy !!! Leander is a professional, we have a very good comunicacion all the time . Now i have the neckless of my dreams ??????
Thank you do much :)
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