Glass Cabochon Eyes 1
Glass Cabochon Eyes 2
Glass Cabochon Eyes 3

Glass Cabochon Eyes


I came across these perfect 1" x 3/4" glass cabochons and realized that they would make perfect eyes for jewelry, Sculpture, Inlays, Etc. So I made 3 types to see how they would turn out. I made human eyes, green dragon eyes, and the eye of Sauron. Eyes are available made on demand as pairs or batches.

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Dalton Sexton

Dalton Sexton

Art by Dalton Sexton

Loganville, GA
Member since: 2013
1 Maker Review
  • Long-time member

    A Maker who has been a valued part of this community for several years.

  • Fast shipper

    Customers say that this Maker ships promptly after completing a project.

  • Great service

    This Maker has consistently demonstrated excellence in craftsmanship and customer service.

Dalton Sexton is a traditional artist that although proficient in all media, he prefers to work in inks combined with acrylic washes. He enjoys capturing wildlife, landscapes, and architecture as well as faith based works. He has actively been creating full time while battling narcolepsy since July 2009 when he created "God and Country", an acrylic piece depicting the American flag draped over the Holy Bible. He likes to work in bold and vivid colors with an illustrative quality. The most common colors in his works include bold blues, greens, and reds. His favorite color happens to be violet though you will see it in his dress more often than in his works.

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