This piece was created using the EZInlays DevilEyezed kit. The inlay was built in a slice of burled Curley Maple. The inlay is made from Ebony, Bloodwood, and Cocobolo. I also used some glitter filled epoxy to create the one gold tooth. (I'll add better pictures soon) This is a one of a kind piece as the Maple is so unique. It is completed and ready to ship today.
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Hi, my name is Kurtis. I've been working in the IT industry for over a quarter century now and am tired of that profession. It's time for me to move on and spend my time creating items of interest and beauty.
I have been an amateur woodworker since my early teens. A few years back I started to build a doll bed for my Mom to showcase a pristine doll that originally belonged to her Grandmother. I wanted to put a decorative inlay of a flower into the headboard and a similar pattern, using different types of woods, into the footboard.
A Google search for “decorative inlay patterns” returned tutorials for building a "one off" custom decorative inlay or marquetry projects but nothing like what I was looking for.
Years ago I worked in an electronics manufacturers R&D shop designing printed circuit boards. The CAD drawings utilized layers and alignment marks to manufacture the printed circuit boards. I realized the same concepts could be employed to build a rose shaped inlay I wanted for the doll bed. After several iterations I was able to develop a methodology and templates that assist the home woodworker repetitively build high quality decorative inlays.
Since then I've created a dozen or so patterns and inlay kits. My kits now help you build everything from Christmas Ornaments to Coasters to Hearts to whatever you can dream of using inlay technology.
So why should you buy a piece from me??? Not only are you getting a one of a kind hand crafted heirloom quality object you are also helping a man follow his dream by funding a small business startup. I'm just a guy in the garage scraping by from paycheck to paycheck.
With your help I'll be able to launch my small business whose sole purpose is to help the home artisan explore their creativity! Well that and to show my kids that you can follow your own path through life, helping others along the way, and still be able to make a living while doing so!
Thank you for making a difference!!!
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