This sign was done for a bar in Chicago's River North district. Any configuration of names and logos could be possible. Painted or raw steel. The one in the picture is raw steel which is now rusted. Using thick steel it will last for decades to come!
A Maker who has been a valued part of this community for several years.
Customers say that this Maker ships promptly after completing a project.
This Maker has consistently demonstrated excellence in craftsmanship and customer service.
Here at Decorative Metal Works we are a custom furniture maker in Chicago whose designs and craftsmanship are paramount. We tend to use mainly metal accompanied with wood, glass, granite, concrete, tile and anything other material you can think of to go with your one of a kind piece.
We also do sculptures, waterfalls, railings, or anything else you can dream up and want to see come to life. If we cant build it, we can put you on the right track to someone who can!
We are always more than happy to answer any inquires about price, size and design that you're looking for.
Thanks for looking!
A guide to the best items from the best makers and the stories behind them.