Ancient Siberian Mammoth Ivory ~ Red Jasper Inlay. Mammoth Ivory Bead and Sterling Silver accents on adjustable leather cord. A mystical and intricate carving. Size: 1 1/8" round Owl Totem/Symbolism ~ Bird of magic, prophecy, and wisdom. Seeing the truth, releasing the past, and navigating through the night.
A Maker who has been a valued part of this community for several years.
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My background:
For more than thirty years I was known for the numerous murals and exhibits I produced for museums and nature centers, for my book illustrations on nature and the animal world, and for my wildlife portraits. Then my professional path took me on a new journey when I felt drawn to carve in the incredible medium of ancient prehistoric fossil mammoth ivory and other natural materials.
Today my goal is to open an extraordinary window into the natural world for the people who purchase my work through sculptures and pendant carvings I create in the unique beauty and mystery of prehistoric fossil and natural materials
My Pendant Carvings are highly affordable miniature works of art carved in ancient prehistoric wooly mammoth materials that rise annually from the permafrost in Alaska and Siberia. These materials are unsurpassed in their origin and evolution and their rich colors reflect mineralization over thousands of years. My work is noted for it's exquisite and detailed workmanship. I offer a wide range of designs of almost every land, air, and sea creature of the earth, as well ancient symbols. I also design and create special images to reflect a personal interest.
I would love to work with you to create a Pendant Carving or Sculpture that expresses who you are or holds special meaning for someone you know. I look forward to working together.
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