Handmade Men's Document Box 1
Handmade Men's Document Box 2
Handmade Men's Document Box 3
Handmade Men's Document Box 4
Handmade Men's Document Box 5

Handmade Men's Document Box


Handmade wood document box for the professional man. Made of select poplar wood with inlay. The pedestal feet are made from whitetail deer antlers that were shed and found in the woods of the Mississippi Delta

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Zoe Correro

Zoe Correro

The Home Remedy Company Rx

Memphis, TN
Member since: 2015
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Beginning in late 2010, I allowed myself to become enveloped in negativity as an array of life's challenges unveiled pieces of its dark truth. I literally walked down a path of life in a state of bitter numbness. I had comfortably become content living in a fog, until one day Callie (My Blue Heeler) and I went fishing, practically 2 hours after being let go of my job at that present time, to do some soul searching. The result was one of those moments in life where the obvious awakes….slightly tapping your shoulder and finally meets you face to face….LeveeBreakDesigns becomes the roots of my life in motion late September of 2014. No longer a mere seed of thought, LeveeBreakDesigns's passionate ambition is focused on designing, creating, and sharing unique handcrafted products with and for the authentic connoisseur.
In 2020, LeveeBreakDesigns evolves into what is now The Home Remedy Company.

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