Here are two examples of ceramic tile coasters that we made for weddings that can be placed on the table as a decoration in front of each guest and then given to them as their wedding favor. We have a number of different designs that we can provide you with but these are just a few of the most popular designs. The coasters are sealed with a poly-acrylic coating so that they are waterproof and the backs are covered in cork so that they will not slide and won't scratch the table surface. Lead time is about two weeks depending upon the quantity needed. They are sold individually with a minimum order of 12 pieces.
A Maker who has been a valued part of this community for several years.
Customers say that this Maker ships promptly after completing a project.
This Maker has consistently demonstrated excellence in craftsmanship and customer service.
We are a family owned business that makes custom made handmade ceramic tile drink coasters in a variety of styles. We also make customized personalized coasters and folding tv snack trays.
A guide to the best items from the best makers and the stories behind them.
Marsha Lucas
For Elvis Presley Ceramic Tile Drink Coasters / Set Of 4A great present for an Elvis Presley fan!