Featured in Gifts for Music Lovers

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Anthony Foronda

Anthony Foronda

String Tinkers

Putnam, CT

String Tinkers are makers of cigar-box guitars, ukuleles, canjos, dulcitars and fine instruments. The...

Gene Johnson

Gene Johnson

Gene's Leather Stuff

Hazel Hurst, PA

Gene's Leather Stuff is a one-man leathercrafting operation centered around instrument straps, harmon...

John and Robbyn Runyon

John and Robbyn Runyon

Frivolous Tendencies

Talent, OR

We are a two person team that have been making wall sculptures from recycled metal since 1997. Anythi...

Jeff Hoskins

Jeff Hoskins

Wood Recycled

Montgomery, AL

I specialize in Wooden Ring, Wood and Silver Rings, Wood Guitar Picks, Wood Ear Gauges