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David Munkittrick

David Munkittrick

David Munkittrick Furnituremaker, LLC

River Falls, WI

35 years experience as a custom furnituremaker specializing in the design, build and repair of fine f...

Ezequiel Rotstain

Ezequiel Rotstain

Ezequiel Rotstain Design & Fabrication Llc

New York, NY

Ezequiel Rotstain Design & Fabrication is a full service firm that specializes in designing and build...

Jerod Lazan

Jerod Lazan

Mortise & Tenon Custom Furniture

North Hollywood, CA

For 21 years we have been building handmade furniture and upholstery in Los Angeles. Our specialty is...

Steve Kelehan

Steve Kelehan

Sjk Woodcraft & Design

Halethorpe, MD

Furniture, cabinetry and architectural woodwork