A Maker who has been a valued part of this community for several years.
Customers say that this Maker ships promptly after completing a project.
This Maker has consistently demonstrated excellence in craftsmanship and customer service.
For the past thirty years I have been designing and building fine hand-made furniture for both the home and work environment. Today this continues to be my profession and my passion. While I constantly endeavor to expand my design vocabulary and refine my technical skills, it is always within the context of meeting the desires and expectations of the individual client.
In all of my work I seek to wed beautiful materials and high craftsmanship with design that is original and elegant. My furniture is made to order for particular people and quite often for a particular purpose. I listen carefully to my clients and make every effort to make the commissioning process enjoyable and even exciting. My furniture is beautiful, functional, and built to endure.
Custom made furniture is about much more than having something built to the right dimensions or achieving a certain color. It is about great design that may someday have historic significance. It is about achieving a level of craftsmanship that can redefine one's definition of the word "quality". Such furniture is labor intensive to create and costs more, but it is also a sound investment that will give pleasure for a lifetime.
R. Heller
For Burl Top Side TableLouis created a stunningly beautiful piece! The final product is exactly as anticipated. The quality is unsurpassed. Working with Louis was simple, and we would look forward to another project.
For Queen sleigh bedFor some reason, I didn't realize I'd never submitted my review for the bed. It took a long time to get there, but the results are more than worth it. Even years later, I often stop and just look at the bed. It is stunning.
A guide to the best items from the best makers and the stories behind them.
42 products