This small desk is perfect for homework or art. Dimensions: 30"H x 32"W x 20"D
A Maker who has been a valued part of this community for several years.
Customers say that this Maker ships promptly after completing a project.
This Maker has consistently demonstrated excellence in craftsmanship and customer service.
I've always thought that it's too easy to get sidetracked by a desire to have things a certain way without ever really considering what is important. It is my firmly held belief that no solution need be excessively overdone and ornate. The simplicity of a solution to a set of needs can yield a remarkably intricate interplay between parts.
Through a back and forth collaboration, my goal is to provide an honest and concise solution to the your requirements.
I cut my teeth on design in St. Louis and New Orleans (and in between), starting with my father who was an architect in St. Louis, and on to New Orleans where I attended architecture school. All my internships ended up being with furniture makers, and I realized that my passion lay in the human scale of furniture.
Michael McFann
For Looking for some to make a custom bed frameAfter looking for a bed that had storage in the base and not finding anything we liked, we found Custom Made. Looking through the list of craftspeople, we picked Joshua to make of bed. We are very happy with that decision. After exchanging our ideas on what we wanted, Joshua created exactly the bed we were looking for. The workmanship is excellent, the price was great, the time frame was perfect and we are so happy with our new bed. Thank you, Joshua.
A guide to the best items from the best makers and the stories behind them.