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Rosemarie Barnes

Rosemarie Barnes

Artistic Creations By Rose

Elysburg, PA

Custom signs 609 864-8210, ArtisticCreationsbyRose@comcast.net I am a local Artist I Specialize in...

Dori Anderson

Dori Anderson

Murals by Dori Just Faux You

Kearns, UT

Murals by Dori just faux you specializes in one of a kind custom murals, backdrops, tiles and faux ef...

Dru Marie Robert

Dru Marie Robert

Dru Marie Robert Fine Art

Longmont, CO

A LITTLE BIT ABOUT ME. Ever since I watched my 5 year old brother captivate others with his whimsic...

R Allan Kirkhart

R Allan Kirkhart

RAllanK Leathercraft

Des Moines, IA

Welcome to RAllanK Leather! My name is Allan and I have been hand carving and tooling leather since ...

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