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Lee Bradshaw

Lee Bradshaw

Dragonfly Wood and Resin Designs

Niantic, CT

Dragonfly Wood and Resin Designs create unique one of a kind custom works of functional art for each ...

Jaime Marr

Jaime Marr

J.M. Fusions LLC

El Dorado Hills, CA

Handcrafted fused glass art, home decor, tiles and back splashes for your home. All items can be cus...

Joe & Sue Leo

Joe & Sue Leo

The Coastal Workshop

Toms River, NJ

We are a family owned business that makes custom made handmade ceramic tile drink coasters in a varie...

Michelle Caron

Michelle Caron

Caron Art Glass

Salem, OR

I create custom stained glass windows and fused glass art work with unique designs and handcrafted ex...